The Meadows will be commemorating those lost to Covid-19 and thanking the dedicated staff who cared for residents during the worst of times in 2020.
Barnes Nursery has donated a beautiful blossoming Dogwood, and Balconi Monuments & Countertops donated a lovely carved memorial stone for the base of the tree. The administrator and her partner donated the windchimes as a melodic remembrance.
We will hold a small ceremony in the center courtyard on Thursday August 12th at 2 PM . Residents, staff and families are invited to observe. Lay Pastor Matt Wilson will officiate beginning with an ecumenical prayer. A cellist and violinist from Firelands Orchestra will accompany, and our very own resident Jackie Fox will sing Amazing Grace. Union President, Shay White will read poem "How Do We Go On" . Staff who worked through the difficult times will be invited to say a few words about their experience. Matt Wilson and the Fireland Orchestra String duo will close the commemoration.