Welcome to the Erie County Finance Department web page. The Finance Department provides financial support services to the Board of Commissioners and assists the County Administrator in the area of financial administration. It is responsible for formulation of financial, budgetary, purchasing polices and procedures and also plans and evaluates the County’s debt structure. Additionally, the Finance Department supports a variety of Commissioners’ operations with a range of fiscal services including purchasing, payroll, bookkeeping, budget analysis, and property management activities.
The County's long-term budget policy is to stabilize its overall financial position for each and every operating fund. Budget policies aim to maintain and/or increase all current revenue sources, seek new funding sources and provide acceptable protection to the residents and their property. These policies also try to ensure adequate resources are available to the economic, social, or physically disadvantaged citizens in the County, and continue to provide an environment where economic development in Erie County can thrive. All goods and services purchased must follow legal bidding requirements, as well as our own purchasing policies.
This department continuously evaluates how efficiently services are delivered to the community and continue to improve our financial position for better bond ratings, which keep interest costs as low as possible. Moody’s Ratings Service has assigned Erie County bond ratings an “AA2” rating, indicating that our bonds are a safe, reliable investment. This is due to the County’s below-average debt burden, strong general fund reserves, and overall sound financial management. Our goal is to maximize the services to Erie County residents and visitors within the limited amount of resources available.