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Solid Waste District / Recycling

Solid Waste District

District Mission
The goal of the Erie County Solid Waste Management District is to maintain, coordinate, monitor, and develop implementation of the Erie County Solid Waste Management Plan. The goal is achieved by providing environmental education, recycling opportunities, source reduction, litter prevention, and natural resource conservation to the residents of Erie County.

Click Here for the Digital Brochure: Digital Recycling Brochure.pdf
Click here for our printable brochure: Print Recycling Brochure.pdf

September Household Hazardous Waste Collection (9/20/25) 
Erie County will be hosting its annual Fall Household Hazardous Waste Collection this upcoming September from 1PM to 3PM at the Erie County Landfill. A list of acceptable materials is available on the registration link above and below. Latex paint will not be accepted at this collection. 
Household hazardous Waste Collections:
When: 9/20/2025 1-3pm
Where: Erie County Landfill- 10102 Hoover Rd. Milan OH
Who: Erie County Solid Waste District Residents (No Businesses) 
What is a Solid Waste District?

In 1988, when stories of abandoned hazardous waste dumps filled our newspapers and out-of-state garbage threatened to fill up Ohio landfills, the Ohio legislature decided to act to avoid a future waste disposal crisis in Ohio. As a result, Ohio House Bill 592, the state’s solid waste management law, was enacted. It requires Ohio’s counties to take responsibility for planning adequate landfill capacity for their citizens and reducing the amount of trash disposed in landfills. To do this, every county in Ohio is required to have a Solid Waste District, and a plan covering at least a fifteen year period, detailing how they will reduce the amount of solid waste disposed by their citizens and businesses. Each District plan must contain specific programs for the reduction of:
Household Hazardous
Household Non-Hazardous

2020 Solid Waste Plan

The Erie County Solid Waste Management District has received approval from Ohio EPA Director Anne Vogel on May 8, 2023. The Solid Waste Plan is updated every five years and projects out 15 years to ensure adequate landfill capacity, recycling opportunities and that the district meets the Ohio EPA goals.