Erie County Sanitary Landfill
10101 Hoover Rd.
Milan Township
Margaretta Township Road Department
316 E. Lucas St.
Groton Township Services Building
9414 Portland Road
Sandusky Services Center
1024 Cement Avenue
Operated by the City of Sandusky Commissioners
City of Sandusky Residents Only
Contact Info: (419) 627-5844
What To Recycle: You can recycle GLASS, CANS, PLASTIC, CARDBOARD and PAPER
How to Recycle: Please make sure items are EMPTY, CLEAN AND DRY
Paper Only Locations:
St Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church- 15617 Mason Rd.
Grace United Methodist Church- 13406 W. Lake Rd.
Florence Township:
Birmingham United Methodist Church- 15018 South St. Wakeman