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Erie County Information Services Board

ECISB Agenda

Erie County Information Services Board Meetings are held at 9:30 a.m. at the Erie County Office Building, 247 Columbus Avenue, First Floor Conference Rm. #110-E, Sandusky, Ohio. Scheduled meeting dates are shown on the agendas listed.

Members of the Board

Each member will be from the following elected or appointed officials. Each official is allowed a delegate to sit on the board instead of her/himself. In addition, the County Administrator will provide input as an Ex-Officio member but will not have voting authority.

  • Information Technology Director
  • County Auditor
  • Clerk of Courts
  • Sheriff
  • County Engineer
  • Recorder
  • Treasurer
  • County Administrator (non-voting)
  • Presiding County Judge
  • Erie County Commissioner

How To Submit A Request

All Requests:

All project requests for consideration by the ECISB should include a brief description of the requested action and justification as well as a configuration for hardware/software purchase requests and supporting documentation. Additionally, any fiscal information to share relative to the request maybe included in the time indicated. Requests, which do not meet the above-mentioned requirements, maybe returned for additional information or corrections, ECISB Action Requests received without all necessary documents will not constitute meeting the deadline date. Requests received for discussion after the ECISB Board meeting deadline will be presented for consideration by the ECISB at the next regularly scheduled board meeting. These requests should be submitted to the Clerk of the ECISB using our Request For Board Action Form.

Deadline for Submitting and Processing Requests

  • The deadline for submitting a request for the Organizational or a Regular meeting of the ECISB is (1) week prior to the meeting date of the ECISB.
  • One week allows for the process to the Board.
  • The requested item will then appear on the agenda of the ECISB the following week.
  • The IT Director can suspend the rules applied here and allow submissions/requests.
  • The item will then automatically appear on the next regularly scheduled meeting of the ECISB where it may or may not be forwarded to the Ad-hoc Committee(s) during session, based on criteria and necessity.

Committee Assignments

ECISB Committees

  • To which all matters should be referred for review and recommendation of projects or items relating to any purchase, lease, or acquisition of any information technology related procurement to ensure conformity with strategic technology plans for the County.
  • The Ad-hoc Committee will consist of either membership or their designee or non-members who serve a pivotal role in a particular project or item. The members of these special committees will help this board make a knowledge-based decision on projects or tasks to large to be decided within the confines of the ECISB Board meeting. After the decision-making process the analysis that this committee reaches, at least one member will bring forward the proposed solution to the ECISB for final approval.

Meeting Dates and Times

  • The ECISB Ad-hoc Committee will meet as needed, prior to a designated meeting of ECISB at a time and place to be determined by the committee, unless otherwise set by the IT Director.
  • The Ad-hoc Committee will meet as many times as required to complete their analysis to come to a formal decision. However, it is expected that the committee(s) meet if items or projects need to be discussed prior to ECISB meetings.