Poison Prevention
The Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center (DPIC) offers guidelines for emergency response to poisonings. If a poisoning is suspected, do not hesitate to call the poison control center, 513-636-5111 or 1-800-222-1222.
Inhaled Poison
Move victim to fresh air immediately. (Avoid breathing fumes yourself.) If not breathing, make sure mouth and throat are clear and start artificial respiration. Have someone call the emergency department or the Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center (DPIC).
Poison on the Skin
Flood immediately with water from faucet, shower or hose. Remove contaminated clothing and jewelry. Wash gently with soap and water twice. Call the poison center or doctor before doing anything else.
Poison in the Eye
Remove contact lenses if present, gently pull back eyelid (do not force) and flood eye with lukewarm (not hot) water poured from a pitcher held two to three inches from the eye. Have patient blink often while flooding eye from nose side outward for 15 minutes. Then call the doctor or the poison center.
Swallowed Poison
If victim is completely awake and able to swallow, and if poison irritates or causes burning in the mouth or throat, give WATER only. (Give one-half a cup to children. Give one cup to adults.) If the poison does not burn, don't give anything by mouth unless instructed by the poison center or doctor. Call for professional advice from the poison center about whether you should make the patient vomit or not.