In order to qualify for the program, the potential client must:
- Reside in Erie County. (Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis if a prospective client lives in close geographical proximity to Erie County, and the prospective’ client’s local Sheriff’s Office or other local law enforcement agency does not participate in Project Lifesaver); and
- Be diagnosed by a certified physician as afflicted with Autism spectrum disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or other cognitive disorders that could cause the potential client to wander from his or her caregiver; and
- Be known to wander from his or her caregiver, or the potential client’s behavior causes the caregiver to believe that the potential client will wander in the future.
In order to have a client enrolled in the program, the client’s caregiver must agree to the following responsibilities:
- Testing of the client’s radio transmitter on a daily basis and recording the results on the supplied maintenance form; and
- Payment of a $60.00 yearly fee for replacement batteries and bands for the transmitter. This fee will be waived if proof of Medicaid is shown; and
- Maintenance of any required records as provided by the local Project Lifesaver team; and
- Notifying the Erie County Sheriff’s Office if any problems are noted with the equipment; and
- Immediately notifying the Erie County Sheriff’s Office via 911 if a Project Lifesaver client is discovered missing.
For more information, or to enroll an individual in the Erie County Project Lifesaver program, please contact Pam Straziuso at 419-271-6844, or by e-mail at [email protected] or Deputy Benny Cruey at 419-627-7566, or by e-mail at [email protected].