The Long-Range Transportation Plan (25-year future plan) is a strategy of capital improvement programming developed to guide the investment of public funds in transportation facilities. The Plan provides the blueprint from which the area's short range Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) are developed. The TIP identifies the highway, transit, bikeway and pedestrian projects scheduled to be constructed over a four-year time frame. The long-range plan is updated every five years and may be amended due to available federal, state and local funding.
The ambition of the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is the development of an intermodal transportation system, one that is efficient, fiscally sound, environmentally friendly, and which provides the regional infrastructure to better compete in the global economy.
Every 5 years, the MPO is required to update its LRTP. Staff completed the 2045 LRTP in July of 2020.
2045 Long Range Transportation Plan
2045 Long Range Transportation Plan Appendices