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Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

ERPC MPO STBG Project Solicitation
Projects are currently being accepted for ERPC MPO's Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG). Eligible applicants are for communities within the ERPC MPO boundaries and along an eligible roadway. The solicitation is available between now and April 30th at 4PM. The project application, instructions and necessary attachments is included below. 

ERPC MPO STBG Project Application: 

Please contact Transportation Planner Kevin Cannon with any additional comments or questions on the project solicitation.
Kevin Cannon


The Erie County Regional Planning Commission (ERPC) is the handling agency for the MPO.  The ERPC MPO was created as a result of a Federal statute that states every urbanized area with a population of more than 50,000 must establish a MPO; where the MPO is responsible for both short and long range transportation planning for its associated region. The 2000 Census revealed that the Sandusky Urbanized Area had a population of over 50,000 people and as a result the ERPC MPO was created in 2003. With local, state, and federal support, ERPC maintained its designation following the 2010 Census, although the urbanized area fell just below the 50,000 threshold. 

Following the 2020 Census, the MPO learned the urbanized area had been expanded west to include the city of Port Clinton in Ottawa County, and created the Sandusky-Port Clinton Urbanized Area. ERPC worked with area stakeholders and across both counties to expand the MPO planning area to include the Ottawa County peninsula. With the expansion, the ERPC MPO will be responsible for implementing the federal metropolitan transportation planning process for all of Erie County, the eastern portion of Ottawa County, and the City of Vermilion within Lorain County. 
The MPO receives an annual allocation of federal funding in the amount of approximately $1 million for transportation projects located on the federal aid system across the ERPC MPO region.  The MPO typically solicits for projects on an annual basis or as funding availablity allows.  Local jurisdiction and transit agencies are eligible to apply for project funding.  Typically funding is awarded on an 80/20 split, where 20% of project costs are to be covered by the project sponsor.  ERPC staff assists with the project solictitation process but all funding award decisions are ultimately made by the MPO's Policy Committee.  Projects that are awarded for funding are then programmed into the MPO's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) which is a four year list of prioritized projects.  
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3rd Floor, County Services Center 
2900 Columbus Avenue
Sandusky, OH  44870
Phone: 419-627-7792
Fax: 419-627-7692
Hours:   8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.  
Monday - Friday (Closed Holidays)