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Lot Splits, Combos, and Legal Descriptions

Lot Split Checklist

The following steps must be completed in order for a parcel of land less than five (5) acres to be subdivided. This form only applies to properties located in an Erie County, Ohio township, not a village or city.

  • If you have delinquent property taxes contact the Erie County Treasurer at (419) 627-7612 first.

  • Please attach a brief narrative regarding this split(s)

  • Check with your township zoning inspector for lot size and lot width requirements of the zoning district in which your proposed lot split(s) will be located. All lots must have frontage on an approved public right-of-way, not a private access easement.

  • In areas without sanitary sewer, check with the Erie County Health Department at 419-626-5623 to verify that a sewage system installation permit can be obtained for your proposed lot(s). When splitting off a lot with an existing house with an STS, ensure your entire system will be contained with 10 feet of the proposed lot boundaries. If you have an older STS, consider the planning process to determine if there is adequate room to install a replacement STS in the future

  • Have a survey prepared by a registered surveyor . All survey plats and legal descriptions must conform to the Ohio Administrative Code Sections 4733-37 to 4733-37-07.

  • Submit the survey plats and legal descriptions for your proposed lot split(s) to the Erie County Engineer’s Office for approval. The Engineer’s Office will stamp the plats and legal descriptions.

  • Submit the approved survey plats, legal descriptions, and Lot Split Affidavit form to the township zoning inspector. The township zoning inspector will check the proposed lot(s) for conformity with township zoning requirements. If approved, the inspector will then sign Box #2 on the affidavit form, survey plats and legal descriptions.

  • Submit the Lot Split Affidavit form with Box #1 and Box #2 completed along with the approved surveys, legal descriptions, and new original deeds for your proposed lot split(s) to the Erie Regional Planning Office, 2900 Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. A $25.00 filing fee is required for each new deed to be processed as part of your lot split application. Checks for the filing fee should be made out to Erie Regional Planning Commission.

  • Within seven (7) working days, the Erie Regional Planning Commission will review the application and will notify you when your lot split application has been processed, or you may check in periodically within the seven (7) working days to see if it is completed. Your application will be circulated to the Erie County Health Department and the Erie County Engineer’s Office for review with regard to sewer and septic systems and drainage issues. A drainage plan may be required for your lot split(s) before it is approved.

  • If your lot split is approved, you must then file it (allow 3 days for processing per the Conveyance Requirements) at the Erie County Transfer Office on the second floor of the Erie County Office Building, 247 Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Additional information on conveyance requirements can be found here: Erie County Auditor - Property Transfers

Lot Combination and New Legal/Survey Checklist

The following steps must be completed for a revised legal description, survey or lot combination:

  • If you have delinquent property taxes contact the Erie County Treasurer at (419) 627-7612 first.

  • Attach a brief narrative of this revision or combination.
  • Check with your township zoning inspector for lot size and lot width requirements of the zoning district in which
    your proposed lot(s) will be located.

  • In areas without sanitary sewer, check with the Erie County Health Department at 419-626-5623 to verify that a sewage system installation permit can be obtained for your proposed lot(s).

  • Have a survey prepared by a registered surveyor . All survey plats and legal descriptions must conform to the Ohio Administrative Code Sections 4733-37 to 4733-37-07.

  • Submit the survey plats and legal descriptions to the Erie County Engineer’s Office for approval. The Engineer’s Office will stamp the plats and legal descriptions.

  • Submit the approved survey plats, legal descriptions, and new legal or lot combination affidavit  to the township zoning inspector. The township zoning inspector will check the proposed lot(s) for conformity with township zoning requirements. If approved, the inspector will then sign Box #2 on the affidavit form on the affidavit form and the survey plats and legal descriptions. 

  • Complete Box #1 of the affidavit form on the affidavit form and have the signatures notarized.

  • Submit the affidavit form with Box #1 and Box #2 completed along with the revised legal descriptions, survey or lot combination to the Erie Regional Planning Office, 2900 Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Typically there is no fee from the Planning Office for a revised legal description, survey or lot combination.

  • If your revised legal description, survey or lot combination is approved, you must then file it at the Erie County Transfer Office which is located on the second floor of the Erie County Office Building, 247 Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. 

  • The Erie County Transfer Office requires a minimum of 3 days to process per the Erie County Conveyance
    Requirements. Additional information on conveyance requirements can be found here: Erie County Auditor - Property Transfers

Township Zoning Inspectors

Berlin Township: Dan Soisson, 419-588-2097
Florence Township: Jeff Blodgett, 440-536-6001
Groton Township: Teresa Jarrett, 419-483-7840
Huron Township: John Zimmerman, 419-433-2755
Margaretta Township: Chris Schaeffer, 419-684-9500
Milan Township: Pat Landoll, 419-499-2354
Oxford Township: Andy Dunlap, 419-359-1447
Perkins Township: Adam Panas, 419-609-1435
Vermilion Township: Keith Sexton, 440-967-6841

Additional information can be found here: Zoning and Jurisdictional Information

Affidavits with Checklists

For lot splits of land less than five (5) acres to be subdivided located within a township of Erie County.
For lot combinations of land located within a township of Erie County
For any new legal description or lot survey located within a township of Erie County.
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For additional information or questions, contact us at:
3rd Floor, County Services Center
2900 Columbus Avenue
Sandusky, OH  44870
Phone: 419-627-7792
Fax: 419-627-7692
Email: [email protected]
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.  
Monday - Friday (Closed Holidays)