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Lot Splits

How do I apply for a lot split?
  1. Contact township Zoning Inspector for proposed land division(s) to ensure conformity to zoning regulations.

  2. If proposal conforms to township regulations have a survey prepared by a registered surveyor. 

  3. Resubmit survey, legal description(s) and lot split affidavit to township Zoning Inspector. Be sure to complete box #1 of lot split affidavit and have signature(s) notarized before submittal to Zoning Inspector.

  4. Submit the survey plat(s) and legal description(s) to Erie County Engineer’s Office for approval.

  5. Submit the approved lot split affidavit, legal description(s), surveyed drawings and if possible deed(s) to Erie Regional Planning Office, 2900 Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio 44870 (Phone 419-627-7792)

    Rates apply as listed below:
    Lot split(s) ($25.00)
    Transfers ($0.00)
    Over five acres ($0.00)

*Note: The affidavit for land divisions can be found on-line or through the Zoning Inspector.  The lot split affidavit contains a detailed step-by-step procedural checklist.   

Flood Plain

Is my property in a Flood Plain?  

To identify if a property and/or structure is in a flood plain, one should review the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs).   There are various ways you can access FEMA’s FIRMs.  
One option is to visit the FEMA Map Service Center website, ; this the official public source for flood hazard information.  Once on the webpage, enter in an address or longitude/latitude coordinates to view the flood plain map for the specified location.  
Another option is to contact your local government agency to view the maps.  Most counties and towns have the FEMA flood zone maps available for public view. FEMA provides copies of the latest and most up-to-date flood zone maps for most communities.  The Erie County Regional Planning Commission handles floodplain administration for the unincorporated areas of Erie County.  As such, we have flood plain maps just for the unincorporated areas of the county for viewing.  If you would like to view a map for a location in one of the incorporated areas (Sandusky, Huron, or Vermilion) you will need to contact that local jurisdiction and request a viewing of that area’s FIRMs.  
ERPC staff is available to answer your flood plain questions or if you would like to view the FEMA FIRMs please contact ERPC by phone at 419-625-7792 or email  [email protected] .

Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP)

What is the CHIP program and how do I apply?
Some Background - The Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP) Program is a competitive grant program that provides funding to local governments to improve and provide affordable housing repairs and rehabilitation for low- and moderate-income citizens. CHIP funds are distributed to communities in one annual competitive funding round from across the state of Ohio.

On June 16, 2021 Erie County submitted a $1.25 million Community Housing Impact and Preservation Program (CHIP) application to the state of Ohio which will partner Erie County with the cities of Sandusky, Huron and Vermilion.  The state of Ohio announced that Erie County was awarded its full request of $1.25 million.

The 2021 CHIP partnership breaks down as follows;
 Application Partnership Structure
Erie County          $300,000
City of Huron        $300,000
City of Vermilion   $300,000
 City of Sandusky $350,000 * Home 
Total $1.25 million
The Application - The CHIP funds will be distributed as follows:
Private Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation- Maximum of $64,000- 12 Units
  • Income qualified homeowners 
  • Code Improvements, Lead Hazard reduction, RRS
  • Repairs must meet the Ohio Residential Rehab Standards & HUD Lead Based Paint Standards.
  • Funding will be provided as combination deferred and forgivable loans and secured with a lien.
  • No Recapture
  • Lien- 20 % per year x 5 years = 100% forgiven
Home Repair- Maximum of $18,000 - 21 units
  • Home Repair typically address one system. (Leaking roof, furnace, etc.)
  • Grant to the eligible homeowner.
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance - $1,000 per unit/ 20 units
  • Erie Metropolitan Housing Authority
  • Security Deposit
  • Targeted to low/moderate income families renting privately-owned units.
  • CHIP funds provide the balance of rent to the cooperating landlord.
Habitat for Humanity- $30,000- 1 unit
  • Families Must first begin with Habitat and be referred by Habitat
  • Max $30,000 toward the acquisition of land, materials or labor
  • 10-year forgivable loan
Past Successes - Past CHIP grant awards are as follows:
$500,000 1995
$600,000 1998
$500,000 2000
$555,000 2002
$555,000 2004
$540,000 2006
$522,000 2010
$400,000 2013
$575,000 2014
$1,400,000 2017
$1,250,000 2019
$1,250,000 2021
$8.647 million – total
$720,583.33 average award
The first projects for this program will likely begin in the spring/summer 2018. As noted above, those receiving assistance must qualify financially.  
How To Apply - If you or someone you know needs home rehabilitation assistance but can’t afford it an application for assistance can be obtained by contacting the Planning Commission office at (419) 627-7524 or online at the following;
If you have questions please contact:
Timothy C. King, Senior Planner
Erie Regional Planning Commission
2900 Columbus Avenue
Sandusky, Ohio 44870
(419) 627-7524
[email protected]

How do I get my CHIP or Lead lien release?
The outstanding balance of liens placed on your property for CHIP and Lead work typically declines annually.  If you (or your title company) need to know how much you owe, please contact Tim King [email protected] (419) 627-7524 or Zach Rospert [email protected] (419) 627-7528.  
erpc logo
3rd Floor, County Services Center 
2900 Columbus Avenue
Sandusky, OH  44870
Phone: 419-627-7792
Fax: 419-627-7692
Hours:   8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.  
Monday - Friday (Closed Holidays)

More FAQs


What’s an MPO?
A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), is a federally mandated and funded transportation policy-making organization made up of representatives from local government and transportation authorities.  Federal statue states that every urbanized area in the nation with a population of more than 50,000 must establish and MPO.  MPOs are designed to allow collaboration between local officials on how to spend federal transportation funds across their region.  Funding for selected MPO projects are a combination of federal transportation funds and matching funds from state and local governments that is typically on an 80/20 ratio. The Erie Regional Planning Commission MPO is the policy board for the Sandusky-Port Clinton Urbanized Area.  

Economic Development
What products does Erie County Regional Planning have available to help stimulate economic development in Erie County? 
Revolving Loan Fund (RLF): Erie County Revolving Loan (RLF) fund offers a loan program with favorable rates to new and existing businesses located or considering locating within the County. The program is designed to fill the gap between the owner’s equity and a private lender loan. Therefore, most of the loans are made to those who have exhausted all other financing avenues. The loan cannot exceed 50% of the entire budget or cost and there is a job creation requirement affiliated with each loan. The RLF loan can be used in concert with other local, state, and federal loan programs. All monies from the County’s RLF are generated by repayments from businesses that have received financial assistance on Community Development Block Grant Economic Development (CDBG ED) projects. County staff and an outside RLF Committee evaluate all requests and make recommendations regarding loan proposals. Anyone interested in any of the available programs should contact the Regional Planning Commission at 419.627.7792.

Ohio Enterprise Zone Program: The Ohio Enterprise Zone Program is another economic development tool administered by municipal and county governments that provides real and personal property tax exemptions to manufacturing or industrial businesses making investments in Ohio. While Erie County is certified as an active Enterprise Zone, businesses must first negotiate and have any abatement approved before the project can begin.  The maximum exemption level of 100% for 15 years must be approved by the local school district.  

Community Reinvestment Areas: Community Reinvestment Areas: The Ohio Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) Program is an economic development tool administered by municipal and county governments that provides real property tax exemptions to business making investments in Ohio. In order to use the CRA program, a city, village or county petitions to the Ohio Development Services Agency (ODSA) for confirmation of a geographical area in which investment has traditionally been discouraged. Part of the petition reviewed by the ODSA is a survey performed by the respective political subdivision. Once an area is confirmed, communities may offer real property tax exemptions to tax payers that invest in the area.

Tax Increment Financing (TIF): Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is another economic development mechanism available to township, municipal or county governments to finance public infrastructure improvements and, in some circumstances, residential rehabilitation. Payments derived from the increased assessed value of any real property are directed into a separate fund (often referred to as Payments in Lieu of Tax “PILOT”) used to pay off the bonds associated with the financing of the improvements.