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MPO Committees

The MPO committee structure is what really drives the MPO to be an engine for collaboration on transportation related items.    The committee structure ensures that initiatives are developed with regional input from a variety of stakeholders.  The current MPO committees include the following:
  1. Policy Committee - This board is the entity formally designated as the Metropolitan Planning Organization and is responsible for conducting the urbanized area’s transportation planning process 
  2. Technical Advisory Committee - Reviews, selects, and recommends to the Policy Committee transportation plans and policies
  3. Citizens Advisory and Safety Committee - the primary body representing public opinion on the goals, objectives, and policies
  4. Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee - Implements and promotes recommendations on active transportation in the MPO
  5. Freight Advisory Committee (new in 2023) - Serving to educate and proactively review freight planning in the MPO
For more information on each committee's purpose and function please visit their separate webpages (available under the 'Committees' menu).


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