The Municipal Court Advocate provides comprehensive services to those victimized by crime in Erie County, at the Municipal Court. She provides services to victims of assault, domestic violence, sexual imposition, menacing, menacing by stalking, aggravated menacing, or intimidation of a victim/witness, as well as victims of felony crimes that are pending at the municipal court. The Advocate provides services at Sandusky Municipal Court and Erie County Municipal Court in Milan.
The Advocate provides any or all of the following to victims and/or their families: notification regarding court hearings, information and explanation regarding various court hearings and court procedures, acts as liaison between victim and prosecutor, mental health/substance abuse counseling referrals, assistance with medical providers, assistance with employers, referrals to educational programs. Victims are contacted at the time of arraignment and the Advocate provides them assistance through the court process.
The Municipal Court Advocate is also responsible for attending the Tri-County SANE/SART Committee and assisting with the Rape Crisis Component.