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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers assist program staff with a variety of tasks and activities to provide services to victims. Volunteers assist with the provision of 24-hour hospital advocacy services to persons responding to local emergency departments after they have been sexually assaulted. Volunteers are also trained to provide assistance with the Victims of Crime Compensation Application, notification of case status, and answering the rape crisis hotline. Volunteers assist advocates at the local municipal court and speak with victims at the time of arraignment to explain the court process and assist them with obtaining protection orders. Volunteers also devote time and energy to our special awareness projects conducted in April and throughout the year. These special events consist of Victims Rights Week Activities and the Clothesline Project. Opportunities also exist for volunteers to assist with public awareness activities, fund raising and various office duties. Since 1998, volunteers have provided 30,000 hours of service. Our volunteers have committed their time, energy and passion to help make this program a success.

Volunteer training programs are conducted twice annually - in the spring and fall. The training programs are 16 hours in length and address issues of victimization, including sexual assault issues, domestic violence issues, the criminal justice system, VINE, Ohio Victims of Crime Compensation Program, crisis intervention and community resources.

Mail Completed Forms To:

Victims Assistance
247 Columbus Avenue, Suite 319
Sandusky, OH 44870