Sexual assault can include rape, incest, fondling, sexual harassment, child molestation, marital rape, exposure and voyeurism. Sexual assault is not a crime of passion or lovemaking. It is an act of power, control, anger and violence. Survivors of sexual assault are never responsible for their assaults; it is always the fault of the offender.
We live in a society which promotes violence against women as a way of life. The messages that we see on television and in magazines, advertisements, and pornography help reinforce the myth that women ask for rape. Racial and low-income women are especially vulnerable to the racist and classist overtones of the myths and stereotypes surrounding sexual assault. The reality is that anyone can be assaulted regardless of race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, physical ability or age.
Sexual assault affects everyone, either directly or through the experiences of those we care about. Only about one in ten rapes are reported to the police, and the FBI's definition of rape does not include any sexual offenses other than rape. Taking this into account, studies suggest that as many as one in three women will be raped in her lifetime (National Coalition Against Sexual Assault, 1993). Most women have experienced some level of sexual harassment, abuse, or assault, and all women are affected by the threat of sexual violence.
Sexual assault is not only a women's issue. Males are also victims of sexual assault, though not at the same rate as women: it is estimated that one in ten men will be assaulted in his lifetime (NCASA, 1993). In addition, assault against a woman often affects the men in her life, including her friends, brother, father, or partner. Sexual assault is a societal problem that women and men need to address together.
What to do if you are sexually assaulted
Rape or any form of sexual assault is one of the most painful and upsetting things that can happen to a person. After the assault you may be frightened, angry, restless or unable to concentrate. You may experience disbelief, denial, depression, mistrust of people or a lack of confidence in yourself. Feeling guilty, embarrassed, "crazy" or ashamed are also common reactions. All of these responses are normal and understandable. They will not last forever.
Sexual assault is very traumatic, so allow yourself to take as long as you need to heal and recover. It often helps to talk with someone - a trusted friend, family member, or someone trained in sexual assault intervention. Remember that you are not alone. There are many resources available to you, including:
*OCOSA (The Ohio Coalition On Sexual Assault) (614) 268-3322
Provides information and referrals during business hours.
*RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network) 1-800-656-HOPE
Twenty-four hour computer system that will relay calls to the nearest rape crises center.