Truancy Prevention
Juvenile Court Truancy Counselors work with Erie County Youth, Parents and Schools to reduce truancy and ensure that students are attending school as required. The goal is to keep youth in school and out of the formal juvenile court system. Truancy Counselors meet with students who are consistently absent as well as those who regularly arrive at school late or leave school early and their parents to discuss school attendance requirements. They work with the families to identify the barriers that contribute to school attendance issues and find solutions. Truancy Counselors also investigate students who have unexcused or excessive absences when referred by school officials or referred by youth’s parent.
Truancy Counselors participate on Absence Intervention Teams for youth who are identified as habitually truant. These teams consist of the Parent, Attendance Counselor, School Administrator, School Guidance Counselor, and may include the School Psychologist, Teachers, Youth’s Doctor and supportive family members.
Additionally, Attendance Counselors serve as a liaison between School Officials, Parents, Erie County Dept. Job/Family Services, Law Enforcement Agencies and our Court System.
For more information, contact Mark Michel at 419 627-6351 or John Zadell at 419 627-7584.